The Wife of Bath's Tale
Folio 62v
1 of 12 folios
What amble or trotte or pees or go sit doun
Thow lettest our disport in this manere
¶ Ye woltow so syr somnour quod the frere
Now bi my feith I shal or that I go
Telle of a Somnour such a tale or two
That al the folk shal laughen in this place
¶ Now elles frere I wol be shrew thi face
Quod this somnour and I me beshrew
But yif I telle tales two or thre a rewe
Of freres or y come to sydyngborne
That I shal make thyn hert to morne
¶ ffor wel I wot thi pacience is goon
Oure hoost cried and badde pees anon
And seyde lat the womman telle hir tale
Ye fare as folk that dronken ben of Ale
Do dame telle forth your tale and that is best
¶ Al redy syr quod she ryght as yow lest
If I haue licence of this worthi frere
¶ Yis dame quod he telle forth and I wol here .
¶ Here bigynneth the wifes tale of bathe.
IN olde dayes of the kyng arthour
Of which that britons speken gret honour
Al was land fulfilled of fairye
The elf queene with hir Ioly compaignye
Daunced ful oft in many a grene mede
This was tholde oppinioun as I rede
I speke of many an hundred yeres ago
But now can no man se non elues mo
For now the gret charite and prayers
Of limitours and other holy freres
That serchen euery lond and euery streme
As thikke as motes in the sonne beme
Blessyng halles chambres kichines boures
Citees burghs Castelles high tours
Thropes bernes shipenes dayeryes
That maketh that ther ben no fayryes