The Nun's Priest's Tale
Folio 201r
1 of 18 folios
That on your bridel honge on euery side
Bi heuene kyng that for vs alle dide
I shulde or this haue fallen doun for slepe
Al thogh the slough had neuer been so depe
Thanne hadde your tale betolde in veyn
For certeynly as thise clerkes seyn
Where as a man may haue non audience
Noght helpeth him to tellen his sentence
And wel I wote the substance is in me
Yif any thing shal wel reported be
Syre sey som what of huntyng I yow pray
Nay quod the monke I haue no luste to playe
Now lat another telle as I haue tolde
Than spak our hoost with rude speche and bolde
And seide vnto the Nonnes perst anon
Come nere thow preest come nere thow syr Ioħn
Telle vs swich thing as may our hertes glade
Be blithe thogh thow ride vpon a iade
What thogh thin hors be bothe foul and lene
Yif he wool serue the recche noght a beene
Look that thin hert be mery euer mo
Yis sir quod he / yis hoost so mote I go
But I be mery y wis I wol be blamed
And right anon his tale he hath I tamed
And thus he seide vnto vs euerychon
This swete prēst this goodly man syr Ioħn .
Here endeth the prologe of the tale of tho nonnest prest
Here bigynneth the tale of the nonnes prest
A pore widow somdel stepe in age
Was whilom dwellyng in a narow cotage
Biside a groue stondyng in a dale
This widow of which I telle yow my tale
Sithen thilke day that she wast last a wif
In pacience lad a ful symple lif
For litel was hir catel and hir rexx
Bi housbandrye of which as god hir sxxx
She foonde hir self and eek hir doughxxxx two