That telleth vs the peyne of Iħu crist
Ne seith nat al thing as his felaw dooth
But nathalees hir sentence is al sooth
And alle accorden as in hir sentence
Al be ther in hir tellyng difference
For some of hem seyn more and som seyn lesse
Whan thei his pitous passioun expersse
I mene of Mark Mathew Luk. and Ioħn .
But douteles hir sentence is al on
Therfore lordynges al y yow beseche
If that ye thinke I varye as in my speche
As thus thogh that I telle som what more
Of prouerbes than ye han herd bifore
Comperhended in this litel tretis here
To enforcen with theffect of my matere
And though I noght the same wordes seye
As ye han herd yit to yow alle I preye
Blasphemeth me nat for as in my sentence
Shul ye noghwher fynden difference
Fro the sentence of this tretes lite
After the which this myrie tale I wryte
And therfore herkeneth what that I shal seye
And lat me tellen al my tale I preye .
Here bigynneth Chaucers tale of Melibee and prudence
A yong man called Melibeus mighty and riche bigat vpon
his wif that called was prudence a doghtre which
that called was sophie //
vpon a day befel that for his
disport he went in to the feeldes him to pley /
his wif and ek his
doughter hath he lafte in with his hous / of which the dores
weren fast y shette /
the chief of his olde foos han it espied and
setten laddres to the walles of his hous / and bi wyndowes
ben entred /
and betten his wif and wounded his doughter
with fyue Mortal woundes in fyue sondry places /
this is to
seyn .in hir feet. in hir handes. in hir eris. in hir nose. and in
hir mouth. and leften hir for deed.and wenten a way
¶ Whan
Melibeus retourned was in to his hous / and seigh al this mes-
chief. ¶ he lik a mad man / rentyng his clothis gan to wepe
and crie
¶ Prudence his wif as ferforth as she dorste / bisoght
him of his wepyng for to stynte /