Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 43r
1 of 2 folios
His wyf is swyued and his doughter als
Lo which it is a Miller to be fals
And therfore this prouerbe is seyde ful sothe
Him yar nat wene wel that yuel dothe
A gilour shal him self bigiled be
And god that sitteth hie in maiestee
Saue al this compaignye gret and smale
Thus haue I quyt the miller in my tale .
Here endeth the Reues tale
Here bygynneth the prolog of th Sergeantes tale
OVre hoost saugh wel that the bryght sonne
The ark of his artificial day hath ronne
The ferthe part and half an hour and more
And though we were nat deep y sterte in loore
He wist it was the eght and twenty day
Of Apriƚƚ that is Messager to may
And saugh wel that the shadow of euery tree
Was as in leynth the same quantitee
Thatwas the body erect that caused it
And therfore bi the shadow he took his wyt
That phebus which that shoon so clere and bryght
Degrees was fyue and fourty clombe on hight
And for that day as in that latitude
It was ten of the clok he gan conclude
And sodeynly he plyght his hors aboute
Lordynges quod he warne yow al the route
The ferth party of this day is goon
Now for the loue of god and of seint Ioħn
Leseth no tyme as ferforth as ye may
Lordynges the tyme it wasteth bothe nyght and day
And steleth from vs what piuely slepyng
And what thurgh negligence in our walkyng
As doth the streme that turneth neuer agayn
Descendyng from the mountayn in to playn
¶ Wel can Senec and many a Philosophre
By waillen tyme moore than golde in cofre
For los of catel may recouered be