The Monk's Prologue
Folio 188r
1 of 4 folios
that ye ben sory and repentant / of your giltes /
it constreyneth me
to do you grace and mercy /
Wherfore I receyue yow tomy grce
and foryeue yow outrely alle the offences Iniuries and wron-
ges that ye han doon ageyn me and myn
to this effect and
to this ende that god of his endeles mercy
wol at the tyme
of our dyyng foryeue vs oure giltes that we han trespassed
to him in this wrecched world
for doutelees if we be sory
and repentant of the synnes which we han trespassed in
the sight of our lord god
he is so free and so mercyable
he wol foryeue vs our giltes
and brynge vs to the blisse that
neuer hath ende
¶ Here endeth Chaucers tale of Melibee and prudence
Here bigynneth the prologe of the monkes tale
Whan ended was my tale of Melibee
And of prudence and hir benygnytee
Our hoost seide as I am feithful man
And bi that percious corps Madryan
I had leuer than a barel ale
That good leef my wif had herd this tale
She nys no thing of swich pacience
As was Melibeus with prudence
By goddes boones whanne I bete my knaues
She bryngeth me the grete clubbed staues
And crieth sle the dogges euerychon
And breke hem bothe bakke and euery boon
And yif that eny neyghbore of myn
Wol nat in chirche to my wif enclyne
Or be so hardy to hir to trespace
Whan she comth she raumpeth in my face
And crieth fals coard wreke thi wif
By corpus boones I wol haue thi knyf
And thow shalt haue my distaf and go spynne
Fro day to nyght right thus shul we bygynne
Allas she seith that euer I was shape
To wedde a melkesop or a coward ape
That wol ben ouerlad with euery wight
Thow darst not stonden with thi wyues right
This is my lif but but that I wil fighte