The Parson's Prologue
Folio 228r
1 of 3 folios
Ne wol nat that the philosophres neuene
How that a man shal comen to this ston
I rede as for the best lat it goon
For who so maketh god his aduersarie
As for to worke any thing in contrarie
Of his wille certes neuer shal he thryue
Thogh that he multiplie terme of his lyue
And ther a poynt for ended is my tale
God send euery trew man boote of his bale
Here endeth the tale of the chanons yeman
Here bygynneth the prologe of the persounes tale .
By that the maunciple had his tale al ended
The sonne fro the south lyne was descended
So low that he nas nat to my sight
Ten of the Clok it was so as I gesse
For xj foot and litel more or lesse
Mi shadow was at thilke tyme as there
Of swich feet as my lengh parted were
In 8. equal of proporcioun
Ther with the mones exaltacioun
I mene libra al wey gan ascende
As we were entryng at a thropes ende
For which our hoost as he was wont to gie
As in this cas our Ioly companye
Seide in this wise lordynges euerychon
Now lakketh vs no tales moo than on
Fulfild is my sentence and my decre
I trow that we han herde of eche degre
Almost fulfild is al myn ordynance
I praye to god so yeue him right good chaunce
That telleth his tale to vs lustily
¶ Sir preest quod he artow a vicary
Or artow a person sey soth bi thi fey
Be what thow be ne breke thow nat our pley
For euery man saue thow hath told his tale
Vnbokil and shewe vs what is in thi male