The Clerk's Tale
Folio 90r
1 of 35 folios
Here bigynneth the prologe of the Clerkes tale of Oxonford f 173v|
Sire clerk of Oxenford our hoost sayde
Ye ride as stylle and coy as doth a mayde
Were new spoused sittyng atte borde
This day ne herd I of your tonge a worde
I trowe ye studye abouten some sophyme
But Salamon seyth that euery thing hath tyme
For goddes sake as beeth of better chere
It is no tyme for to studien here
Telle vs som mery tale bi your fey
For what man that is entred in a pley
He needes must vnto the pley assent
But percheth nat as freres don in lent
To make vs for our olde synnes wepe
Ne that thi tale make vs nat to slepe .
Telle vs som thing of auentures
Your termes your coloures and figures
Kepe hem in stoore til so be ye endite
Hy style as whan that men to kyng wryte
Speketh so pleyn at this tyme we yow praye
That we may vnderstande what ye saye
This worthi clerk benygly answerde
Oste quod he I am vnder your yerde
Ye han of vs as now the gouernance
And therfore wolde I do yow obeisance
As fer as reson axitħ hardily
I wol you telle a tale which that I
Lerned at padow of a worthi clerke
As preued bi his wordes and his werk
He is now ded and nayled in his cheste
I prey to god so yeue his soule reste .