The Man of Law's Tale
Folio 44r
1 of 16 folios
For thei han seyn hir euer so vertuous
And louyng hermengild ryght as hir lyf
Of this bar wytnesse euerych in that hous
Saue he that hermengild slow wyth his knyf
This gentil kyng hath caught a gret motyf
Of this witnesse and thought he wold enquere
Depper in this a trouthe for to lere .
Allas Custance thow hast no champioun
Ne fight kanstow noght so weylaway
But he that starf for our redempcioun
And bond sathan and yet lith there he lay
So be my stronge champioun this day
For but if crist open miracle kyth
Wyth owten gilt thow shalt be slayn as swythe
She sit hir doun on knees and thus she seide
Inmortal god that sauedest Susanne
Fro fals blame and thow merciful mayde
Marie I meene doghter to seint Anne
By fore whos child aungeles synge osanne
If y be giltelees of this felonye
My socour be for elles shal I dye
Haue ye nat seyn som tyme a pale face
Among a prees of him that hath be lad
Toward his deth wher as him gat no grace
And swich a colour in his face hath had
Men myght know his face that was bistad
Amonges al the faces in that route
So stant Custance and loketh hir aboute
O queenes lyuyng in prosperytee
Duchesses and ek ladyes euerychone
Haueth som routh of hir aduersitee
An Emperoures doghter stont allone
She hath no wyght to whom to make hir moone
O blod royal that stondest in this drede
Fer ben thi frendes at thi gret nede