The Manciple's Prologue
Folio 209v
1 of 4 folios
Thow shalt no more with thi flaterye
Do me to singe and wynke with myn eye
For he that wynketh whan that he sholde see
Al wilfully god lat him neuer the
¶ Nay quod the fox god yeue him meschaunce
That is so vndescreet of gouernaunce
That Iangleth whan he sholde holde his pees
Loo swich it is for to be recchelees
And neccligent and truste on flaterye
¶ But ye that halden this tale a folye
As of a fox or of a Cok or hen
Taketh the moralitee good men
For seint Poule seith / that al that writen is
To our doctryne is I write I wis
Taketh the fruyt and lat the chaf be stille
Now good god if that it be thi wille
As seith my lord so make vs alle good men
And brynge vs to his hie blis Amen .
¶ Here endeth the nonnes prestes tale
¶ Here bigynneth the prologe of the maunciples tale .
Woot ye nat where ther stant alitel toun
Which that I cleped is Bobbe vp and doun
Vnder the blee in Caunterbury wey
There gan our hoost for to Iape and pleye
And seide syrs / what don is in the myre
Is ther no man for preyer ne for hire
That wol awake our felaw al bi hynde
A theef myght him ful lightly robbe and bynde
Se how he nappeth / se how for Cokkes bones
That he wol falle fro his hors attones
Is that a Cook of londoun with meschaunce
Do him come forth he knoweth his penaunce
For he shal telle a tale bi my fey
Al thogh it be nat worth a botel hey
A wake thow Cook quod he god yeue the sorowe
What eyleth the to slepe bi the morwe