The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Folio 218r
1 of 21 folios
I koude neuer leue it in no wise
Now wold god my wit myght suffise
To teƚƚe al that longeth to that art
And nathalees yow wol I tellen part
Syn that my lord is goon I wol nat spare
Swich thing as I know I wol declare
Here bigynneth the chanons yemans tale .
With this Chanoun I dwelte haue vij yeer
And of his science am I neuer the nere
Al that I had I haue lost ther by
And god woot so hath many mo than I.
There I was wont to be right fressh and gay
Of clothyng and of other good array
¶ Now may I were an hose vpon myn heed
And where my Colour was bothe fressh and reed
Now is it wan and of leden hewe
Who so it vseth soore shal he ruwe
And of my swynk yit blered is myn eye
Lo swich avauntage is to multiplie
That slidyng science hath me made to bare
That I haue no good where that euer I fare
And yit I am endetted so ther by
Of gold that I haue borwes trewly
That whil I leue I shal it quyte neuer
But euery man be war bi me for euer
What maner man that casteth him ther to
If he contynue I holde his thrift y do
For so helpe me god ther by shal he nat wynne
But empty his purs and make his wittes thynne
And whan he thurgh his madnesse and foly
Hath lost his owne good in Iupardye
¶ Than he exciteth other folk therto
To leese hir good as he him self hath do
For vnto shrewes ioy it is and ese
To haue hir felawes in peyne and desese
Thus was I ones lerned of a Clerk
Of that no charge I wol of our werke