Words of the Franklin to the Squire
Folio 132r
1 of 1 folios
IN feith squier thow hast the wel y quyt
And gentilly I preyse wel thi wit
Quod the frankeleyn consideryng thi youthe
So felyngly thow spekist syr I alow the
As to my dom ther nys noon that is here
Of eloquence that shal ben thi pere
Yif that thow lyue god yeue the good chaunce
And in vertue sende the contynuaunce
For of thi speche it is gret deyntee
I haue a sonne bi the Trynitee
Me were leue than twenti pound worth land
Theigh it right now were fallen in myn hand
He were a man of suche discrescioun
As that ye ben fy on possessioun
But yif a man be vertuous wyth al
I haue my sone snybbed and yit shal
For he to vertues lustnyth nat to etende
But for to pley at dys and to dispende
And lese al that he hath is his vsage
And he had leuer talken wyth a page
Than to comune wyth any gentil wyght
Which he myght lerne gentilesse of ryght
Strawe for your gentilesse quod our hooste
What frankeleyn parde syr wel thow woste
That eche of yow mote telle atte leste
A tale or two or breken his bihest
¶ That know I wel quod the frankeleyn certeyn
I pay yow haueth me at no disdeyn
Theigh to this man I speke a word or two
¶ Telle thow thi tale wyth outen wordes mo
¶ Gladly syr ost quod he I wil obeye
Vnto your wille now herkeneth what I seye
I wol nat yow contrarie in no wise
As fer as that my wit wol suffise
I prey to god that it may plese yow
Thanne wot I wel that it is good ynow .