The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
Folio 148v
1 of 19 folios
Of bothe yiftes that I speke of now
Men han ful often gretter harm than prow
Hir beaute was hir deth I dar wel sayn
Allas so pitously as she was slayn
¶ But trewly myn owne maister dere
This was a pitous tale for to here
But nathales passe ouer is no force
I prey to god so saue thi gentil corce
And thyn vrnals and also thi Iordones
Thin ypocras and ek thi galiones
And euery boist ful of thi letuarye
God blesse hem and our lady seint marye
So mote I theen thow art a propre man
And lik a perlate bi seint Ronian
Seide I nat wel I can not speke in terme
But wel I woot thow dost myn hert erme
I haue almoost y caught a cardiacle
Bi corpus dominus but yif I haue triacle
Or elles a draght of moyst corny ale
Or but I here anon a mery tale
Myn hert is lost for pitee of this maide
Thow belamy thow pardoner he saide
Telle vs a tale thow canst many on
¶ It shal be don quod he and that anon
But first quod he here at this ale stake
I wol first drynken and biten on a kake
¶ But ryght anon the gentiles gonne crie
Nay let him telle vs of no ribaudye
Telle vs som moral thing that we may lere
¶ Gladly quod he and seide as ye shal here
But in the cuppe wol I me bithinke
Vpon som honest thing whil that I drynke
Here endeth the reheytyng of our hoost
Here bigynneth the prologe of pardoners tale
Lordynges quod he in chirche whan I preche
I peyne me to haue an hauntin speche
And rynge it out as round as goth a belle
For I can al bi rote that I telle