To shewe yow the wey / in this viage
Of thilke parfit / glorious pilgrymage
That higħte / Ierusalem celestial
And if ye vouche sauf / anon I shal
Bigynne vp on my tale / for which I preye
Telle youre auys / I kan no bettre seye
¶ But nathelees / this meditacioū
I putte it ay / vnder correccioū
Of Clerkes / for I am nat textueel
I take but sentence / trusteth weel
Therfore / I make a protestacioū
That I wol stonde to correccioū
¶ Vp on this word / we han assented soone
For as vs semed / it was for to doone
To enden / in som vertuous sentence
And for to yeue hym space and audience
And bede oure hoost he sholde to hym seye
That alle we / to telle his tale hym preye
¶ Oure hoost hadde the wordes for vs alle
Sire preest quod he / now faire yow bifalle
Sey what yow list and we wol gladly heere
And with that word / he seyde in this manere
Telleth quod he / youre meditacioū
But hasteth yow / the Sonne wole adoun
Beth fructuous / and that in litel space
And to do wel / god sende yow his grace
¶ Heere bigynnetħ / the Parsoūs tale ~
¶ Ier .6o. State super vias & videte & interrogate de viis anti-
quis / que sit via bona / & ambulate in ea & inuenietis re-
frigerium animabus vestris et cetera ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oure sweete lord god of heuene that no man wole ~
perisse / but wole that we comen alle to the knoweleche
of hym / and the blisful lif that is pardurable /.
teth vs by the prophete Ieremie / and seith / in thys wyse /
¶ Stondeth vp on the weyes / and seeth / and axeth ~
of olde pathes / that is to seyn / of olde sentences / which is the goo-
de wey /
and walketh in that wey / and ye shal fynde refresshynge
for youre soules et cetera /
¶ Manye been the weyes espirituels / that le-
den folk / to oure lord Ihū Crist. and to the regne of glorie /
Of whiche
weyes / ther is a ful noble wey / and a couenable / which may nat fayle
to no man / ne to womman / that thurgħ synne hath mysgoon fro the rigħte
wey of Ierusalem celestial /