Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 49r
1 of 3 folios
¶ The wordes of the Hoost to the compaignye ~
Ovre hoost saugh wel / that the brighte Sonne
The Ark of his Artificial day hath ronne
The ferthe part and half an houre and moore
And thougħ / he were nat depe ystert in loore
He wiste / it was the eighte and twentithe day
Of Apriƚƚ / that is messager to May
And saugħ wel / that the shadwe of euery tree
Was as in lengthe / the same quantitee
That was the body erect that caused it
And therfore / by the shadwe / he took his wit
That Phebus / which þt shoon / so clere and brigħte
Degrees / was fyue and fourty clombe on higħte
And for that day / as in that latitude
It was ten at the clokke / he gan conclude
And sodeynly / he plighte his hors aboute
¶ Lordynges quod he / I warne yow al this route
The fourthe party of this day is gon
Now for the loue of god / and of Seint Ioħn
Leseth no tyme / as ferforth as ye may
Lordynges / the tyme wasteth nygħt and day
And steleth from vs / what pryuely slepynge
And what thurgh necligence / in oure wakynge
As dooth the streem / that turneth neuere agayn
Descendynge / fro the montaigne in to playn
¶ Wel kan Senec and many a philosophre
Biwaillen tyme / moore than gold in cofre
For losse of catel / may recouered be
But losse of tyme / shendeth vs quod he
It wol nat come agayn / with outen drede
Namoore / than wole Malkynes maydenhede
Whan she hath lost it in hir wantownesse
Lat vs nat mowlen thus in ydelnesse
¶ Sir man of lawe quod he / so haue ye blis
Telle vs a tale anon / as forward is
Ye been submytted / thurgh youre free assent
To stonden in this cas / at my Iuggement
Acquiteth yow now / of youre biheeste
Thanne / haue ye do youre deuoir atte leeste
¶ Hoost quod he / depardieux ich assente
To breke forward / is nat myn entente
Biheste is dette / and I wole holde fayn
Al my biheste / I kan no bettre sayn