The Second Nun's Tale
Folio 185v
1 of 14 folios
As of a fox / or of a Cok and Hen
Taketh the moralite / goode men
For seint Paul seith / þt al that writen is
To oure doctrine / it is ywrite ywis
Taketh the fruyt and lat the chaf be stille
Now goode god / if that it be thy wille
As seith my lord / so make vs alle goode men
And brynge vs / to his heighe blisse Amen
¶ Heere is ended / the Nonnes preestes tale ~
¶ The prologe of the Seconde Nonnes tale ~ f.165v|
The Ministre and the Norice / vn to vices
Which that men clepe in Englissħ ydelnesse
That Porter of the gate is / of delices
To eschue / and by hir contrarie / hir oppersse
That is to seyn / by leueful bisynesse
Wel oghten we / to doon al oure entente
Lest that the feend / thurgħ ydelnesse vs shente
For he / that with hise / thousand cordes slye
Continuelly / vs waiteth to biclappe
Whan he may man / in ydelnesse espye
He kan so lightly / cacche hym in his trappe
Til þt a man / be hent rigħt by the lappe
He nys nat war / the feend hath hym in honde
Wel ogħte vs werche / and ydelnesse withstonde
And thougħ men dradden / neuere for to dye
Yet seen men wel / by resoū doutelees
That ydelnesse / is roten slogardye
Of which ther neuere comth / no good nencrees
And seen / þt slouthe / it holdeth in a lees
Oonly to slepe / and for to ete and drynke
And to deuouren / al that othere swynke
And for to putte vs / fro swich ydelnesse
That cause is / of so greet confusioū
I haue heer doon / my feithful bisynesse
After the legende / in translacioū
Rigħt of thy glorious lif and passioū
Thou wt thy gerland / wrogħt wt rose & lilie
Thee meene I / mayde and mooder Cecilie