The Manciple's Prologue
Folio 202r
1 of 3 folios
Men for tenspire / and eek / for to deffende
Whom þt hym liketh / lo this is the ende
¶ Thanne conclude I thus / sith þt god of heuene
Ne wil nat that the Philosophres neuene
How þt a man / shal come vn to this stoon
I rede vs for the beste / lete it goon
For who so / maketh god his Aduersarie
As for to werken / any thyng in contarie
Of his wil / certes neuer shal he thryue
Thogħ that he multiplie terme of lyue
And there a poynt for ended is my tale
God sende euery trewe man / boote of his bale Amen ~
¶ Heere is ended the Chanoūs Yemannes tale ~
¶ Heere folweth the Prologe / of the Maunciples tale ~
Woot ye nat where ther stant a litel toun
Which þt ycleped is Bobbeup and doun
Vnder the Blee / in Caunterbury weye
Ther gan oure hoost for to Iape and pleye
And seyde sires / what Dun is in the Myre
Is ther no man / for preyere ne for hyre
That wole awake / oure felawe al bihynde
A theef / myghte hym ful lightly robbe and bynde
See how he nappeth / see how for Cokkes bones
That he wol falle / fro his hors atones
Is that a Cook of Londoū / with meschaunce
Do hym come forth / he knoweth his penaunce
For he shal telle a tale / by my fey
Al thougħ / it be nat worth a Botel hey
Awake thou Cook quod he / god yeue thee sorwe
What eyleth thee / to slepe by the morwe ;
Hastow had fleen al nygħt or artow dronke ;
Or hastow / with som quene / al nygħt yswonke ;
So that thow mayst nat holden vp thyn heed
¶ This Cook / þt was ful pale and no thyng reed
Seyde to oure hoost /. so god my soule blesse
As ther is falle on me swich heuynesse
Noot I nat why ; þt me were leuere slepe
Than the beste galon wyn in Chepe
¶ Wel quod the Maunciple / if it may doon ese
To thee Sire Cook / and to no wight displese
Which þt heere rideth / in this compaignye
And that oure hoost / wole of his curteisye
I wol now / excuse thee / of thy tale
For in good feith / thy visage is ful pale