The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Folio 194r
1 of 17 folios
¶ Heere bigynneth / the Chanoūs yeman his tale ~
With this Chanoū / I dwelt haue seuen yeer
And of his science / am I neuer the neer
Al that I hadde / I haue lost ther by
And god woot so hath many mo than I
Ther I was wont to be rigħt fressħ and gay
Of clothyng and of oother good array
Now may I were / an hose vp on myn heed
And wher my colour / was bothe fressħ and reed
Now is it wan / and of leden hewe
Who so it vseth / soore shal he rewe
And of my swynk / yet blered is myn eye
Lo / which auantage / is to multiplie
That slidynge science / hath me maad so bare
That I haue no good / wher þt euere I fare
And yet I am endetted so ther by
Of gold / that I haue borwed trewely
That whil I lyue / I shal it quite neuere
Lat euery man be war by me for euere
What maner man / that casteth hym therto
If he continue / I holde his xx thrift ydo
For so helpe me god / ther xx by shal he nat wynne
But empte his purs / and make hise wittes thynne
And whan he / thurgħ his madnesse and folye
Hath lost his owene good / thurgħ Iupartye
Thanne he exciteth / oother folk / ther to
To lesen hir good / as he hym self hath do
For vn to shrewes / ioye it is and ese
To haue hir felawes / in peyne and disese
Thus was I / ones lerned of a Clerk
Of that no charge / I wol speke of oure werk
¶ Whan we been there / as we shul excercise
Oure Eluyssħe craft / we semen wonder wise