The Nun's Priest's Prologue
Folio 178r
1 of 2 folios
And seyde / Allas Fortune and weylaway
Thy false wheel / my wo al may I wyte
Hise children wende / that it for hunger was
That he hise Armes gnow / and nat for wo
And seyde fader do nat so allas
But rather ete the flessħ vp on vs two
Oure flessħ thou yaf /. take oure flessħ vs fro
And ete ynougħ / rigħt thus they to hym seyde
And after that with Inne a day or two
They leyde hem / in his lappe adoun and deyde
Hym self despeired / eek for hunger starf
Thus ended is / this myghty Erl of Pize
From heigħ estaat Fortune awey hym carf
Of this Tragedie / it ogħte ynougħ suffise
Who so wol here it in a lenger wise
Redeth / the grete Poete of Ytaille
That higħte Dant. for he kan al deuyse
Fro point to point. nat o word wol he faille
¶ Heere stynteth the Knygħt the Monk of his tale ~
¶ Heere stynteth the Knyght the Monk of his tale ~ ¶ The Prologe of the Nonnes preestes tale ~
Hoo quod the knygħt good sire namoore this
That ye han seyd / is rigħt ynougħ ywis
And muchel moore / for litel heuynesse
Is rigħt ynougħ / to muche folk I gesse
I seye for me / it is a greet disese
Where as men han been / in greet welthe and ese
To heeren / of hir sodeyn fal allas
And the contrarie / is ioye and greet solas
As whan a man / hath been in poure estaat
And clymbeth vp / and wexeth fortunat
And there abideth / in prosperitee
Swich thyng is gladsom / as it thynketh me
And of swich thyng. were goodly for to telle
Ye quod oure hoost by seint Poules belle
Ye seye rigħt sooth / this Monk / he clappeth lowde
He spak / . how Fortune / couered with a clowde