The Summoner's Tale
Folio 81r
1 of 13 folios
Of oother folk / he saugh ynowe in wo
Vn to this Angel / spak the frere tho
¶ Now sir quod he / han freres swich a grace
That noon of hem / shal come to this place ;
¶ Yis quod this Angel / many a Millioun
And vn to Sathanas / he ladde hym doun
And now hath Sathanas / seith he a tayl
Brodder than of a Carryk is the sayl
Hoold vp thy tayl / thou Sathnas quod he
Shewe forth thyn ers / and lat the frere se
Wher is the nest of freres / in this place
And er þt / half a furlong wey of space
Rigħt so as bees / out swarmen from an hyue
Out of the deueles ers / ther gonne dryue
Twenty thousand freres / in a route
And thurgħ out helle / swarmeden aboute
And comen agayn / as faste as they may gon
And in his ers / they crepten euerychon
He clapte his tayl agayn / and lay ful stille
This frere / whan he hadde looke al his fille
Vpon the tormentz / of this sory place
His spirit god restored of his grace
Vn to his body agayn / and he awook
But natheles / for fere yet he quook
So was the deueles ers / ay in his mynde
That is his heritage / of verray kynde
God saue yow alle / saue this cursed frere
My prologe / wol I ende in this manere
¶ Heere bigynneth the Somonor his tale ~
LOrdynges / ther is in yorkshire / as I gesse
A Merssħcontree / called Holdernesse
In which / ther wente a Lymytour aboute
To perche / and eek to begge / it is no doute
And so bifel / that on a day / this frere
Hadde preched at a chirche in his manere
And specially / abouen euery thyng
Excited he the peple / in his prechyng
To trentals / and to yeue for goddes sake
Wher with / men mygħte hooly houses make
Ther as diuine seruyce is honoured
Nat ther as it is wasted and deuoured
Ne ther it nedeth nat for to be yeue
As to possessioners / that mowen lyue