The Multitext Edition > California, San Marino, Huntington Library MS. Ellesmere 26 C 9
The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue
Folio 192r
1 of 5 folios
¶ The prologe / of the Chanoūs Yemannes tale ~
Whan toold was al the lyf / . of Seinte Cecile
Er we hadde riden / fully fyue Mile
At Bogħtoū vnder Blee / vs gan atake
A man / that clothed was / in clothes blake
And vnder nethe / he wered a Surplys
His hakeney / which þt was al pomely grys
So swatte / that it wonder was to see
It semed / as he had priked Miles three
The hakeney eek / þt his yeman rood vpon
So swatte / that vnnethe mygħte it gon