The Merchant's Tale
Folio 102v
1 of 26 folios
¶ The prologe of the Marchantes tale ~
Wepyng and wayling care and oother sorwe
I knowe ynogħ / on euen and amorwe
Quod the Marchant and so doon othere mo
That wedded been / I trowe that it be so
For wel I woot it fareth so with me
I haue a wyf / the worste that may be
For thogh the feend / to hir ycoupled were
She wolde hym ouermacche / I dar wel swere
What sholde I yow reherce in special
Hir hye malice / she is a shrewe at al
Ther is a long and large difference
Bitwix Grisildis grete pacience .
And of my wyf / the passing crueltee
Were I vnbounden / also moot I thee
I wolde neuere eft comen in the snare
We wedded men / lyue in sorwe and care
Assaye who so wole / and he shal fynde
I seye sooth / by Seint Thomas of Ynde
As for the moore part I sey nat alle
God shilde / that it sholde so bifalle
¶ A goode sir hoost / I haue ywedded bee
Thise Monthes two / and moore nat pardee
And yet I trowe / he that al his lyue
Wyflees hath been / thougħ þt men wolde hī ryue
Vn to the herte / ne koude in no manere
Tellen so muchel / sorwe / as I now heere /
Koude tellen / of my wyues cursednesse
¶ Now quod oure hoost. Marchaūt so god yow blesse
Syn ye so muchel / knowen of that Art
Ful hertely / I pray yow telle vs part
¶ Gladly quod he / but of myn owene soore
For soory herte / I telle may namoore
¶ Heere bigynneth the Marchantes tale ~
WHilom / ther was dwellynge in Lumbardye
A worthy knygħt þt born was of Pavye
In which he lyued / in greet prosperitee
And sixty yeer / a wyflees man was hee
And folwed ay his bodily delyt
On wōmen / ther as was his appetyt