The Knight's Tale
Folio 10r
1 of 48 folios
¶ Heere bigynneth the knygħtes tale ~
WHilom / as olde stories / tellen vs
Ther was a duc þt highte Theseus
Of Atthenes / he was lord and gouernour
And in his tyme swich a Conquerour
That gretter / was ther noon vnder the Sonne
Ful many a riche contree hadde he wonne
What with his wysdom / and his chiualrie
He conquered / al the regne of Femenye
That whilom / was ycleped Scithia
And wedded the queene ypolita
And broghte hir hoom wt hym in his contree
With muchel glorie / and greet solempnytee
And eek hir faire suster Emelye
And thus / with victorie and with melodye
Lete I this noble duc / to Atthenes ryde
And al his hoost in Armes hym bisyde
¶ And certes / if it nere / to long to heere
I wolde yow haue toold / fully the manere
How / wonnen was the regne of Femenye
By Theseus / and by his chiualrye
And of the grete bataille for the nones
Bitwixen Atthenes and Amazones
And how asseged was ypolita
The faire hardy queene of Scithia
And of the feste / þt was at hir weddynge
And of the tempest / at hir hoom comynge
But al that thyng I moot as now forbere
I haue god woot a large feeld to ere
And wayke been / the Oxen in my Plougħ
The remenant of the tale / is long ynougħ
I wol nat letten eek noon of this route
Lat euery felawe / telle his tale aboute
And lat se now / who shal the soper wynne
And ther I lefte / I wol ayeyn bigynne
This duc of whom I make mencioun
Whan he was come / almoost vn to the toun
In al his wele / and in his mooste pride
He was war as he caste his eye aside
Where that ther kneled in the weye
A compaignye of ladyes / tweye and tweye