The Squire's Tale
Folio 115v
1 of 14 folios
¶ The Prologe of the Squieres tale
EY goddes mercy / seyde oure Hoost tho
Now swich a wyf / I pray god kepe me fro
Lo whiche sleightes / and subtiltees
In wōmen been / for ay as bisy as bees
Been they / vs sely men for to deceyue
And from a sooth / euere wol they weyue
By this Marchaūtes tale / it preueth weel
But doutelees / as trewe as any steel
I haue a wyf / thougħ þt she poure be
But of hir tonge / a labbyng shrewe is she
And yet she hath / an heepe of vices mo
Ther of nofors / lat alle swiche thynges go
But wyte ye what in conseil be it seyd
Me reweth soore / I am vnto hir teyd
For and I sholde / rekenen euery vice
Which þt she hath / ywis I were to nyce
And cause why / it sholde reported be
And toold to hir / of sōme of this meynee
Of whom / it nedeth nat for to declare
Syn wōmen / konnen outen swich chaffare
And eek my wit suffiseth nat therto
To tellen al / wherfore my tale is do
¶ Squier com neer / if it your wille be
And sey somwhat of loue / for certes ye ;
Konnen ther on / as muche as any man
¶ Nay sir quod he / but I wol seye as I kan
With hertly wyl / for I wol nat rebelle
Agayn your lust ; a tale wol I telle
Haue me excused / if I speke amys
My wyl is good / and lo my tale is this
¶ Heere bigynneth / the Squieres tale ~
AT Sarray / in the land of Tartarye
Ther dwelte a kyng that werreyed Russye
Thurgħ which ther dyde / many a doughty man
This noble kyng was cleped Cambyuskare
Which in his tyme / was of so greet renoū
That ther was / no wher in no Regioū
So excellent a lord / in alle thyng
Hym lakked nogħt that longeth to a kyng
And of the secte / of which þt he was born
He kepte his lay / to which þt he was sworn
And ther to / he was hardy / wys and riche
And pitous and Iust alwey yliche
Sooth of his word / benigne and honrable
Of his corage / as any Centre stable
Yong fressħ / strong and in Armes desirous
As any Bacheler / of al his hous
A fair persone he was / and fortunat
And kepte alwey / so wel roial estat
That ther was nowher / swich another man
¶ This noble kyng this Tartre Cambyuskan
Hadde two sones / on Elpheta his wyf
Of whiche / the eldeste higħte Algarsyf
That oother sone / was cleped Cambalo
A doghter hadde / this worthy kyng also
That yongest was / and higħte Canacee
But for to telle yow / al hir beautee
It lyth nat in my tonge / nyn my konnyng
I dar nat vndertake / so heigħ a thyng
Myn englissħ eek is insufficient
I moste been / a Rethor excellent
That koude hise colours / longynge for that Art
If he / sholde hir discryuen euery part
I am noon swich / I moot speke as I kan
¶ And so bifel / that whan this Cambyuskan
Hath twenty wynter / born his diademe
As he was wont fro yeer to yeer I deme
He leet the feeste / of his Natiuitee
Doon cryen / thurgħ Sarray his Citee
The laste Idus of Marcħ / after the yeer
Phebus the Sonne / ful ioly was and cleer
For he was / neigħ his exaltacioū
In Martes face ./ and in his mansioū .