The Prologue to the Tale of Sir Thopas
Folio 151r
1 of 2 folios
Wherfore I synge / and synge I moot certeyn
In honour / of that blisful mayden free
Til fro my tonge / of taken is the greyn
And afterward / thus seyde she to me
My litel child / now wol I fecche thee
Whan þt the greyn / is fro thy tonge ytake
Be nat agast I wol thee nat forsake
¶ This hooly Monk this Abbot hym meene I
His tonge out caughte / and took a wey the greyn
And he yaf vp the goost ful softely
And whan this Abbot hadde this wonder seyn
Hise salte teeris / trikled doun as reyn
And gruf he fil / al plat vp on the grounde
And stille he lay / as he had leyn ybounde
The Couent eek / lay on the pauement
Wepynge / and heryen cristes mooder deere
And after that they ryse and forth been went
And tooken awey / this martir from his beere
And in a temple / of Marbulstones cleere
Enclosen they / his litel body sweete
Ther he is now / god lene vs alle for to meete
¶ O yonge Hugħ of Lyncoln slayn also
With cursed Iewes / as it is notable
For it is / but a litel while ago
Preye eek / for vs / we synful folk vnstable
That of his mercy / god so merciable
On vs / his grete mercy multiplie
For reuerence / of his mooder Marie Amen ~
¶ Heere is ended / the Prioresses tale ~
¶ Bihoold the murye wordes of the Hoost to Chaucer ~
Whan seyd was al this miracle / euery man
As sobre was / that wonder was to se
Til that oure hoost Iapen to bigan
And thanne at erst he looked vp on me .s. Chaucer
And seyde thus / what man artow quod he ;
Thou lookest as thou woldest fynde an hare
For euere / vp on the ground / I se thee stare