Lenvoye de Chaucer
Folio 102r
2 of 2 folios
¶ Folweth Ekko / that holdeth no silence
But euere answereth / at the countretaille
Beth nat bidaffed for youre Innocence
But sharply / taak on yow the gouernaille
Empernteth wel this lessoū in youre mynde
For cōmune profit sith it may auaille
Ye Archiwyues / stondeth at defense
Syn ye be strong as is a greet Camaille
Ne suffreth nat / þt men yow doon offense
And sklendre wyues / fieble as in bataille
Beth egre / as is a Tygre yond in Ynde
Ay clappeth as a Mille / I yow consaille
Ne dreed hem nat doth hem no reuerence
For thougħ thyn housbonde / armed be in maille
The arwes / of thy crabbed eloquence
Shal perce his brest / and eek his auentaille
In Ialousie / I rede eek thou hym bynde
And thou shalt make hym couche as doth a quaille
If thou be fair / ther folk been in persence
Shewe thou thy visage / and thyn apperaille
If thou be foul / be fre of thy dispence
To gete thee freendes / ay do thy tauaille
Be ay of chiere / as ligħt as leef on lynde
And lat hym care & wepe / and wrynge & waille
¶ Bihoold the murye wordes of the Hoost ~
This worthy clerk / whan ended was his tale
Oure hoost seyde / and swoor by goddes bones
Me were leuere / than a barel ale
My wyf at hoom / had herd this legende ones
This is a gentil tale / for the nones
As to my prpos / wiste ye my wille
But thyng þt wol nat be / lat it be stille ~
¶ Heere endeth the tale / of the Clerk of Oxenford ~