The Parson's Prologue
Folio 251v
2 of 3 folios
Sire prest quod he artow a vicory
Or artow a persoun say soþ by þy fay
Be what þou be breke nought oure play
For euery man saue þou hath told his tale
Vnbocle and schew vs what is in þy male
For trewely me þinkeþ by þy chier
Þou scholdist wel knyt vp a gret matier
Tel vs a tale anoon for cokkes boones
This persoun answerde al at oones /
Thow getist fable noon I told for me
For poul þat writes vnto thimothe
Repreueþ hem þat weyueþ sothfastnesse
And tellen fables and such wrecchednesse /
Why schuld I sowen draf out of my fest /
Whan I may / sowe whete if þat me lest
For which I say if þat ȝow lust to hiere
Moralite and vertuous matiere
And þanne þat ȝe wil ȝiue me audience
I wol ful fayn at cristis reuerence
Do ȝow plesaunce leful as I can
But trusteþ wel I am a suthern man
I can not geste . rum raf . ruf by letter
Ne god wot rym hold I but litel better
And þerfor if ȝow lust I wol not glose
I wol ȝow telle a mery tale in prose /
To knyt vp al þis fest and make an ende
And Ihū for his grace wit me sende
To schewe ȝow þe way in þis viage
Of þilke parfyt glorious pilgrimage
That hatte Ierusalem celestial
And if ȝe vouche sauf anoon I schal
Bygynne my tale for which I ȝow pray
Telle ȝour avis I can no better say
But naþeles þis meditacioun
I put it ay vnder correctioun
Of clerkes for I am not textuel
I take but þe sentens trustiþ wel
Therfor I make protestaciou~