The Summoner's Prologue
Folio 108r
1 of 2 folios
But for to kepe vs fro þat cursed place
Wakith and prayeth iħu for his grace
So kepe vs fro þe temptour Sathanas
Herknith þis word . beþ war as in þis cas
The lyoun syt in his awayt alway
To slen þe Innocent if þat he may
Disposith ȝoure hertes to wiþstonde
The fend þat wolde make ȝow þral and bonde /
He may not tempte ȝow ouer ȝour migħt
For crist wol be ȝour champioū and knigħt
And prayeth þat oure sompnor him repente
Of his mys dede . er þat þe fend him hente .
¶ Here endith þe frere his tale
¶ And here bygynneth þe sompnor his prologe
This sompnour in his styrop vp he stood
Vpon þe frere his herte was so wood
Þat lyk an aspen leef / he quok for Ire
Lordyngs quod he . but oon þing I desire
I ȝow biseke þat of ȝour curtesye
Syn ȝe han herd þis false frere lye
As suffrith me I may my tale telle
This frere bosteth þat he knowith helle
And god it wot . þat is litil wonder
Freres and feendes been but litel asonder
For pardy ȝe han often tyme herd telle /
How þat a frere rauyscht was to helle /
In spirit ones by a visiou~
And as an aungel lad him vp and doū
To schewen him þe peynes þat þer were
In al þe place saugh he not a frere
Of oþer folk he saugh ynowe in wo
Vnto þis aungel spak þis frere þo
Now sire quod he han freres such a gace
That noon of hem schal comen in þis place
Ȝis quod þis aungil many a mylioun
And vnto Sathanas he lad him doun
And now haþ sathanas saith he a tayl
Broder þan of a Carrik is þe sayl