The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Folio 171v
1 of 21 folios
I couþe neuer leue it in no wise
Now wolde god my wyt mighte suffise
To tellen al þat longeþ to þat art
But napeles ȝet wil I telle ȝou part
Sin þat my lord is goon I wol nought spare
Such þing al þat I knowe I wol declare
WIth þis Chanoū I duelled haue seuen ȝer
And of his science am I neuer þe ner
Al þat I hadde I haue lost þer by
And god wot so haþ many mo þan I /
Ther I was wont to be rigħt freisch and gay
Of cloþing and of oþer good array
Now may I were an hose vpon myn heed
And where my colour was boþe freissch and reed
Now it is wan and of a leden hewe /
Who so it vseþ sore schal he rewe
And of my swynk ȝet blended is myn ye
Lo such auauntage it is to multiplie
That slydynge science had me made so bare /
That I haue no good wher þat euer I fare
And ȝit I am endetted so þer by
Of gold I haue borwed trewely
That whil I lyue I schal it quite neuer
Lat euery man be war by me for euer
What maner man þat casteþ him þerto
If he continue I holde his þrift I do
For so help me god þer by schal he not wynne
But empte his purs and make his wittes þynne
And whan he þurgh his madnes and folye /
Haþ lost his owne good in ieupardie /
Than he exciteþ oþer men þerto
To leese her good as he himself haþ do
For vnto schrewes ioye it is and ese /
To haue here felawes in peyne and desese /
Thus was I oones lerned of a clerk
Of þat no charge I wol speke of oure werk
Whan we ben þer as we schul exercise
Oure eluyssh craft we seme wonder wyse