The Friar's Prologue
Folio 102v
1 of 2 folios
Sith I may gouern and chese as me list /
Ȝe certis wyf quod he I hold it best
Kys me quod sche we ben no lenger wroþe
For by my trouþe . I wol be to ȝow boþe
This is to say ȝe boþe fair and good
I pray to god þat I mot sterue wood
But I be to ȝow also good and trewe
As euer was wyf siþþen þe world was newe
And but I be to morow as fair to seen
As eny lady emperesse or queen
That is bitwixe thest and eek þe west
Doth by my lyf . right euen as ȝow lest
Cast vp þe cortyns and look what þis is
And whan þe knygħt saugh verrayly al þis
That sche so fair was and so ȝong þer to
For ioye he hent hir in hir armes tuo
His herte bathid in a bath of blisse
A thousand tyme on rowe he gan hir kisse
And sche obeyed him in euery þing
That mighte doon him pleisauns or likyng
And þus þay lyue vnto her lyues ende
In parfyt ioye and ihū crist vs sende
Housbondes meke ȝonge and freissche on bedde
And grace to ouerbyde hem þat we wedde
And eek I pray to Ihū schort her lyues
That wil nought be gouerned after her wyues
And old and angry nygardes of despense
God send hem sone verray pestilence /
¶ Here endith þe wif of Bathe hire tale
¶ Here bygȳneth þe prolog of þe Freres tale .
This worthy lymytour þis noble Frere
He made alway a lourynge cheere
Vpon the sompnor . but for honeste /
No vileyns worde . ȝit to him spak he
But atte last he sayd vnto þe wyf
Dame quod he . god ȝiue ȝow good lyf
Ȝe han her touchid al so mot I the
In scole matier gret difficulte ȝe han sayd