The Merchant's Tale
Folio 133r
1 of 32 folios
Tellen so moche sorwe as I now heere
Couþe telle of my wyfes cursednesse
No quod our ost ; marchaunt so god ȝow blesse
Sin ȝe so moche knowen of þat art
Ful hertily tellith vs a part
Gladly quod he of myn oughne sore
For sory hert I telle may na more
Whilom þer was duellyng in lombardy
A worþy knigħt þat born was of pauy
In which he lyued in gret prosperite
And fourty ȝer . a wifles man was he
And folwed ay his bodily delyt
On wōmen . ther was his appetyt
As doon þese fooles þat ben seculere
And whan þat he was passed fourty ȝere
Were it for holynesse or for dotage
I can not say . but such a gret corrage
Hadde þis knigħt . to ben a weddid man
That day and nigħt he doþ al þat he can
Taspye wher þat he mighte weddid be .
Praying our lord to graunte him þat he
Migħt oones knowen of þat blisful lif
Þat is bitwix an housbond and his wyf
And for to lyue vnder þat holy bond
With which god first . man to wōman bond
Noon oþer lif said he is worth a bene
For wedlok is so holy and so clene
That in þis world it is a paradis
Thus sayd þis olde knight þat was so wys
And certeinly as soth as god is king
To take a wyf . is a glorious þing
And namely whan a man is old and hoor
Than is a wyf þe fruyt of his tresor
Than schuld he take a ȝong wif and a fair
On which he migħt engendre him an hair
And lede his lyf in mirthe and in solace
Wher as þese bachileres synge allas
Whan þay fynde eny aduersite