The Nun's Priest's Tale
Folio 238r
1 of 16 folios
Sir say som what of huntyng I ȝow pray
Nay quod þe monk I haue no lust to play //
Now let another telle as I haue told
Than spak our ost wiþ rude speche and bold //
And said vnto the nonnes prest anoon
Com ner þou prest . com ner þou ser Ioħn
Tel vs such þing as may our hertes glade
Be bliþe al þough þou ryde vpon a iade /
What þougħ þin hors be boþe foul and lene /
If he wil serue þe rek not a bene
Lok þat þin hert be mery euer mo
Ȝis sire ȝis hoste . also mot I go
But I be mery I wis I wol be blamed
And rigħt anoon he hath his tale tamyd
And þus he sayd vnto vs euerich oon //
This sweete prest this goodly man sir Ioħn
¶ Here bygynneth the Nonne prest his tale
A Pore wydow . som del stope in age
Was whilom duellyng in a pore cotage
Bisyde a groue stondyng in a dale
This wydow of which I telle ȝow my tale
Syn þilke day þat sche was last a wif /
In paciens ladde . a ful symple lyf
For litel was hir catel and hir rent
By housbondry . of such as god hir sent
Sche fond hir self and eek hir doughtres tuo
Thre large sowes had sche and no mo
Thre kyn . and eek a scheep þat highte malle
Ful sooty was hir bour and eek hir halle
In which sche eet ful many a sclender meel
Of poynaunt saws hir needid neuer a deel
Noon deynteth morsel passid þorugh hir þrote
Hir dyete was accordant to hir cote
Repleccioun made hir neuer sik
Attempre dyete was al hir phisik
And excercise and hertes suffisaunce
The goute lette hir no þing for to daunce
Ne poplexie schente not hir hir heed