The Cook's Prologue
Folio 57v
1 of 2 folios
And sawh a litel glymeryng of light
For at an hool in schon þe moone ligħt
And by þat ligħt sche saugh hem boþe two
But sikirly sche wiste nat who was who
But sche saugh a whit þing in hir ye
And whan sche gan þis white þing aspye
Sche wend þe clerk had wered a volupeer
And wiþ a staf sche drough hir neer and neer
And wend haue hit þis aleyn atte fulle
And smot þis meller on þe piled sculle
And doun he goþ and cryeþ harrow I dye
This clerkes beeten him wel and leet him lye
And greyth hem wel and take her hors anon
And eek here mele and hoom anon þey goon
And at þe Millen dore þey tok here cake
Of half a buisshel flour ful wel I bake
Thus is þe prowde Miller wel I bete
And haþ I lost þe gryndyng of þe whete /
And payed for þe soper euerydel
Of aleyn and of Iohñ þat beten him wel
His wyf is swyued and his doughter als
Lo such it is a Miller to be fals
And þerto þis prouerbe is seyd ful soþ
He þar nat weene wel þat euyl doþ
A gylour schal him self bygiled be
And god þat sittest in þy mageste
Saue al þis compaignie gret & smale /
Thus haue I quyt þe Miller in his tale /
¶ Her endeþ þe Reeues tale
The Cook of londoū whil þe Reeue spak
For ioye he þougħt / he clawed him on þe bak
Ha ha qd he / for cristes passiou
This meller haþ a scharp conclusiou~
Vpon his argumēt of herburgage
Wel seyde Salomon in his langage /
Ne bryng nat euery man in to þyn hous
For herburgage by night is perilous
Wel augħt a man avised for to be