The Monk's Prologue
Folio 226r
1 of 3 folios
þat he wil forȝiue vs oure gultes
bringe vs to þe blisse þat neuer haþ ende Amen
¶ Here endith Chaucer his tale of Melibe
¶ And here bygynneþ þe prologe of þe monkes tale
WHan ended was my tale of Melibe
And of prudence and hire benignite
Oure hoste sayde as I am faithful man
And by þe precious corpus Madryan
I hadde leuer þan a barel ale
That godeleef my wyf had herd þis tale
For sche is no þing of such pacience
As was þis melibeus wyf dame prudence
By goddes boones whan I bete my knaues
Sche bringeth me forth þe grete clobbet staues
And crieþ slee þe dogges euerychon
And breke of hem boþe bak and bon
And if þat eny neghebour of myne
Wol nought to my wyf in chirche enclyne
Or be so hardy to hir to trespace
Whan sche comþ hom sche rampeth in my face
And crieþ false coward wreke þy wyf
By Corpes bones I wil haue þy knyf
And þou schalt haue my distaf and go spynne
Fro day to night þus sche wil bygynne /
Allas sche saith þat euer I was I schape
To wedde a mylk sop or a coward ape
That wil be ouer lad wiþ euery wigħt
Þou darst nougħt stonde by þy wyues rigħt
This is my lif but if þat I wil fight
And out atte dore anoon I most me digħt
And ellis I am lost but if þat I
Be lik a wilde leoun fool hardy
I wot wel sche wol do me sle som day
Som neighebor and þanne renne away
For I am perilous with knyf in honde
Al be it þat I dar not hir wiþ stonde
For sche is big in armes by my faith