The Reeve's Prologue
Folio 51v
1 of 3 folios
Hit was for nougħt no man his resoun a
Wiþ oþis greet he was so sworn a doun
That he was holden wood in al þe toun
For euery clerk anon right heeld wiþ oþir
They seyde þe man was wood my leeue broþer
And euery man gan lawhen at his stryf
Thus swyued was þe Carpenteres wyf
For al his kepyng and his gelousye
And absolon haþ kist hir neþir ye
And Nicholas is skaldid in his towte
This tale is doon and god saue al þe route
HEre endeth þe Millers tale
¶ And bygȳneþ þe prologe of þe Reeue
Whan folk hadde lawhen of þis nyce caas
Of Absolon and heende Nicholas
Dyuerse folk dyuersely þey seyde
But for þe moste part þey lowħ and pleyde /
Ne at þis tale I sawh no man him greue
But it were oonly Osewald þe Reeue
By cause he was of Carpentrye craft
A litel Ire in his herte is laft
He gan to grucche and blamed it a lite
So theek qd he ful wel coude I þe quyte
With bleryng of a prowd mylleres ye
If þat me luste speke of Ribaudye
But yk am old me list not pley for age
Gras tyme is doon my foddir is now forage
My whyte top writeþ myn olde ȝeeres /
Myn hert is al so moulyd as myn heeres /
And ȝit I fare as doth an open ers
That ilke fruyt is euer lenger þe wers
Til it be rote in mullok or in stree
We olde men I drede so fare we /
Til we be roten can we nat be rype
We hoppen alway whil þe world wol pype
For in oure wil þer stikeþ euer a nayl
To haue an hoor heed and a greene tayl
As hath a leek for þough oure might be doon
Oure wil desireþ folye euer in oon