The Tale of Sir Thopas
Folio 203v
1 of 6 folios
Approche ner and loke merily
Now ware ȝou sires and let þis man haue space /
He in þe wast is schape as wel as I
This were a popet in an arm to embrace
For any wōman smal and fair of face /
He semeþ eluisch by his countenaunce
For vnto no wigħt doth he daliaunce
Say now som what sins other folk han said
Telle vs a tale and that of mirthe anoon
Host quod I ne beþ nought euel apayd
For other tale certes can I noon
But of a rym I lerned ȝore agoon
Ȝe þat is good quod he now schul we heere
Som deynte þing me þinketh by his cheere
LEsteneþ lordyngs . in good entent
And I wol telle verrayment
Of a knygħt was fair and gent
In batail and in tornament
I bore he was in fer countre
In Flaundres al byȝonde þe se
His fader was a man ful fre
And lord he was of þat contre
Sir Thopas wax a doughty swayn
Whyt was his face as payndemayn
His lippes reed as Rose /
His rode is lik scarlet en grayn
And I ȝow telle in good certayn
His heer his berd was lik safroun
That to his girdil raugħt a doun
Of Brigges were his hosen broun /
His robe was of Sicladoun