The Multitext Edition > London, British Library MS. Harley 7334
The Miller's Prologue
Folio 41v
1 of 3 folios
¶ And þus bygȳneþ þe prologe of ¶ þe myllere
Whan þat þe knigħt had þus his tale I told
In al þe route nas þer ȝong ne old
That he ne seyde it was a noble story
And worþi to be drawen in memory
And namely þe gentils euerich oon
Our host þo lowħ and swoor so moot I goon
This goþ right wel vnbokeled is þe male /
Let se now who schal telle anoþer tale
For trewely þis game is wel bygonne /
Now telleþ now sir monk if pat ȝe konne
Som what to quyte with þe knightes tale /
The Myller þat for drunken was al pale