The Franklin's Tale
Folio 154v
3 of 24 folios
xxx x thyng sires / saufly dar I seye
xxat freendes / euerich oother moote obeye
If they wol longe holden compaignye
Loue wol nat be constreyned by maistrye
Whan maistrie comth / the god of loue anon
Beteth his wynges / and farwel he is gon
Loue is a thyng as any spirit free
Wommen of kynde / desiren libertee
And nat to been constreyned / as a thral
And so doon men / if I sooth seyn shal
Looke / who þt moost is pacient in loue
He is / at his auantage al aboue
Pacience / is an heigh vertu certeyn
For it venquysseth / as thise clerkes seyn
Thynges / that rigour sholde neuere atteyne
For euery word / men may nat chide or pleyne
Lerneth to suffre / or ellis so moot I gon
Ye shul it lerne / wher so ye wole or non
For in this world / certeyn ther no wight is
That he ne dooth / or seith som tyme amys
Ire / siknesse / or constellacioū
Wyn / wo / or chaungyng of cōplexioū
Causeth ful ofte / to doon amys or speken
On euery wrong a man may nat be wreken
After the tyme / moste be temperaunce
To euery wight þt kan on gouernaunce
And therfore / hath this wise worthy knyght
To lyue in ese / suffraūce hir bihight
And she to hym / ful wisly gan to swere
That neuere / sholde ther be / defaute in here
¶ Here may men seen / an humble wys acord
Thus hath she take / hir seruant and hir lord
Seruant in loue / and lord in mariage
Thanne was he bothe / in lordshipe & seruage
Seruage nay / but in lordshipe aboue
Sith he hath / bothe his lady and his loue
His lady certes / and his wyf also
The which / þt lawe of loue acordeth to
And whan he was / in this prosperitee
Hom with his wyf he gooth to his contree