The Shipman's Tale
Folio 204r
1 of 11 folios
¶ Here bigynneth the Shipmannes tale
A Marchant whilom / dwelled at Seint Denys
That riche was / for which men helde hym wys
A wyf he hadde / of excellent beautee
And compaignable / and reuelous was she
Which is a thyng that causeth moore dispence
Than worth / is al the cheere and reuerence
That men hem doon / at festes and at daunces
Swiche salutacions / and contenances
Passen / as dooth a shadwe vp on the wal
But wo is hym / that payen moot for al
The sely housbonde / algate he moot paye
He moot vs clothe / and he moot vs arraye
Al for his owene worshipe / richely
In which array / we dauncen iolily
And if þt he noght may / perauenture
Or ellis / list no swich dispense endure
But thynketh / it is wasted and ylost
Thanne moot another / payen for oure cost
Or lene vs gold / and that is perilous
This noble Marchant heeld a worthy hous
For which / he hadde alday / so greet repair
For his largesse / and for his wyf was fair
That wonder is / but herkneth to my tale
Amonges alle hise gestes / grete and smale
¶ Ther was a Monk a fair man and a bold
I trowe / a thritty wynter / he was old
That euere in oon / was drawyng to that place
This yonge Monk that was so fair of face
Aqueynted was so / with the goode man
Sith that hir firste knewliche bigan
That in his hous / as famulier was he
As it is possible / any freend to be
And for as muchel / as this goode man
And eek this Monk / of which þt I bigan
Were bothe two yborn / in o village
The Monk hym claymeth / as for cosynage