The Multitext Edition > Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS. Peniarth 392 D
The Parson's Tale
Folio 236r
28 of 30 folios
¶ Here bigynneth / the Persons tale
State su
per vias
/ & videte
& int
errogate de semitis
/ que sit via bona
/ & ambulate in ea
/ & inueni
etis refrigeri
ū animabus vestris et cetera
Ovre swete lord / god of heuene / that no man wole
perisse / but wole þt we comen alle to the knoweliche
of hym / and to the blisful lyf / þt is pardurable /
monesteth vs / by the prophete Ieromie / that seith in this wise
Stondeth vp on the weyes / and seeth / and axeth of olde pa-
thes / that is to seyn / of olde sentences / which is the goode
wey /
and walketh in that wey / and ye shal fynde refressh-
ynge for youre soules et cetera
¶ Manye been / the weyes espiri-
tuels / that leden folk / to oure lord Ihū crist and to the regne
of glorie /
of whiche weyes / ther is a ful noble wey and
a ful couenable / which may nat faile / to man ne to wom-
man / þt thurgh synne hath mysgoon / fro the righte wey
of Ierusalem celestial /
and this wey / is clepid Penitence /
of which / men sholde gladly herknen and enquere wt al
his herte /
to wite / what is penitence / and whennes / it is
clepid / penitence / and in how manye maneres / been the accions /
or werkynges of penitence /
and how manye spices / ther
ben of penitences / and whiche thynges / apertenen & biho-
uen to penitence / whiche thynges / destourben penitence ;
¶ Seint Ambrose seith
that penitence
/ is the pleynynge of
/ for the gilt
þt he hath doon
/ and namoore to doon
any thyng
for which hym oghte to pleyne
¶ And som dec
-tour seith
/ is
\þe/ waymentynge of man
/ þt sor
-weth for his synne
/ and pyneth hym self
/ for he hath
Penitence / wt certeyne circumstances / is verray
repentance of a man / þt halt hym self in sorwe / & oother
peyne for hise giltes /
and for he shal be verray penitent
he shal first biwailen / the synnes / þt he hath doon / and
stedefastly / prposen in his herte / to haue shrift of mouthe /
and to doon satisfaccioū /
and neuere to doon thyng for which
hym oghte moore to biwaile / or to compleyne / and to conti-
nue in goode werkes / or ellis / his repentance may nat auayle