The Multitext Edition > Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS. Peniarth 392 D
The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
Folio 195v
8 of 17 folios
¶ Here bigynneth the \prologe of the/ Pardoners tale ~
¶ Radix omnium malorum est Cupiditas // Ad Thimotheū .6o. ~
LOrdynges quod he / in chirches whan I perche
I peyne me / to han an hauteyn speche
And rynge it out as round as gooth a belle
For I kan / al by rote that I telle
My theme is alwey oon / and euere was
Radix malorum / est cupiditas
¶ First I pronounce / whennes þt I come
And thanne my bulles / shewe I alle & some
Oure lige lordes seel / on my patente
That shewe I first my body to warente
That no man be so boold / ne preest ne clerk
Me to destourbe / of Cristes holy werk
And after that thanne telle I forth my tales
Bulles of Popes / and of Cardynales