The Man of Law's Tale
Folio 113r
1 of 31 folios
But certeinly / no word ne writeth he
Of thilke wikke ensample / of Canacee
That loued / hir owene brother synfully
Of swiche cursed stories / I sey fy
Or ellis / of Tyro Appollonius
How þt / the cursed kyng Antiochus
Birafte his doghter / of hir maydenhede
That is / so horrible a tale for to rede
Whan he hir threw / vp on the pauement
And ther fore / he of ful auisement
Nolde neuere write / in noon of his sermons
Of swiche / vnkynde abhominacions
Ne I wol noon reherce / if þt I may
But of my tale / how shal I doon this day
Me were looth / be likned doutelees
To Muses / þt been clepyd Pierides
Methamorphosios / woot what I mene
But nathelees / I recche noght a bene
Thogh I come after hym / with hawe bake
I speke in prose / and lat hym rymes make
And with that word / he with a sobre cheere
Bigan his tale / as ye shal after heere
¶ Here bigynneth the tale ~
O hateful harm / condicion of pouerte
With thurst with cold / wt hunger so confoundid
To axen help / thee shameth in thyn herte
If thou noon axe / with nede artow so woundid
That verray nede / vnwrappeth al thy wounde hid
Maugree thyn heed / thou most for Indigence
Or stele / or begge / or borwe thy despence
¶ Thou blamest Crist and seist ful bitterly
He mysdeparteth / richesse temporal
Thy neghebore / thow witest synfully
And seist thow hast to lite / and he hath al
Parfay seistow / som tyme he rekne shal
Whan þt his tayl / shal brennen in the gleede
For he noght helpeth / nedefulle in hir nede