Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 112r
1 of 3 folios
¶ The prohemie of the Mannes tale of Laxx
Ovre hoost saw wel that the brighte sonne
The ark of his artificial day hath ronne
The ferthe part and half an hour and moore
And thogh he were nat depe ystert in loore
He wiste it was the xviij. the day
Of April / that is messager to May
And saw wel / þt the shadwe of euery tree
Was as in lengthe / the same quantitee
That was the body erect that caused it
And therfore by the shadwe / he took his wit
That Phebus / which þt shoon so cleer and brighte
Degrees was .xlv. clombe on highte
And for that day / as in that latitude
It was ten at the Clokke he gan conclude
And sodeynly / he plighte his hors aboute
¶ Lordynges quod he I warne yow al this route
The ferthe party of this day is goon
Now for the loue of god / and of Seint Ioħn
Leseth no tyme / as ferforth as ye may
Lordynges the tyme / it wasteth nyght and day
And steleth from vs / what pryuely slepynge
And what thurgh necligence / in oure wakynge
As dooth the streem þt turneth neuere agayn
Descendynge fro the montaigne in to playn
Wel kan Senec and many a Philosophre
Biwaillen tyme / moore than gold in cofre
For los of catel may recouered be
But los of tyme shendeth vs quod he
It wol nat come agayn / with outen drede
Namoore / than wol Malkyns maydenhede
Whan she hath lost it / in hir wantownesse
Lat vs nat / mowlen thus in ydelnesse
¶ Sire man of lawe quod he / so haue ye blys
Tel vs a tale anon / as forward is
Ye been submitted / thurgh youre free assent
To stonden in this cas / at my Iuggement