The Reeve's Tale
Folio 51r
1 of 12 folios
Foure gleedes haue we / whiche I shal deuyse
Auauntyng lyyng Anger Coueitise
Thise foure sparkles / longen vn to eelde
Oure lymes / mowe wel been vnweelde
But wil ne shal noght faillen / that is sooth
And yet I haue alwey / a coltes tooth
As many a yeer / as it is passed henne
Syn þt my tappe of lyf / bigan to renne
For sikerlik whan ik was bore anon
Deeth drogh the tappe of lyf / and leet it goon
And euere sith / hath so the tappe yronne
Til þt almoost / al empty is the tonne
The streem of lyf / now droppeth on the chymbe
The sely tonge / may wel rynge and chymbe
Of wrecchednesse / þt passed is ful yoore
With olde folk / saue dotage is namoore
¶ Whan þt oure hoost hadde herd this sermonyng
He gan to speke / as lordly as a kyng
He seyde / what amounteth al this wit
What shal we speke alday / of holy writ
The deuel made / a Reue for to perche
Or of a Souter / a Shipman / or a leche
Sey forth thy tale / and tarie noght the tyme
Lo Depeford / and it is half wey pryme
Lo Grenewych / ther many a sherewe is Inne
It were al tyme / thy tale to bigynne
¶ Now sires / quod this Osewold the Reue
I pray yow alle / þt ye noght yow greue
Thogh I answere / and som del sette his howue
For leueful is / with force / force of showue
This dronken Miller / hath ytoold vs heer
How þt / bigiled was a Carpenter
Parauenture in scorn / for I am oon
And by youre leue / I shal hym quyte anon
Right / in his cherles termes / wol I speke
I pray to god / his nekke mote to breke
He kan wel / in myn eye / seen a stalke
But in his owene / he kan noght seen a balke
AT Trompyngtoū / nat fer fro Cantebrygge
Ther gooth a brook / and ouer that a brygge