The Miller's Tale
Folio 42r
1 of 18 folios
And therfore / euery gentil wight I preye
Demeth noght for goddes loue / p I seye
Of yuel entente / but for I moot reherse
Hir tales alle / be they bet or werse
Or ellis falsen / som of my matere
And therfore / who so list it noght yhere
Turne ouer the leef / and chese another tale
For he shal fynde ynowe / grete and smale
Of storial thyng that toucheth gentilesse
And eek moralitee / and holynesse
Blameth noght me / if p ye chese amys
The Millere is a cherl / ye knowe wel this
So was the Reue eek and othere mo
And harlotrye / they tolden bothe two
Auyseth yow / and put me out of blame
And eek / men shal noght maken ernest of game
¶ Here bigynneth / the Millerys tale ~
Whilom / ther was dwellyng in Oxenford
A riche gnof that gestes heeld to bord
And of his craft he was a Carpenter
With hym ther was dwellynge a poure Scoler
Hadde lerned Art but al his fantasie
Was turned / for to leere Astrologie
And koude / a certeyn of conclusions
To demen / by interrogacions
If þt men axed hym / in certein houres
Whan þt men sholde haue droghte / or ellis shoures
Or if men axed hym / what shal bifalle
Of euery thyng / I may nat rekene hem alle
¶ This clerk / was clepyd hende Nicholas
Of derne loue he koude / and of solas
And ther to he was sleigh / and ful pryuee
And lyk a mayde meke / for to see
A chambre hadde he / in that hostelrie
Allone / with outen any compaignye
Ful fetisly dight / with herbes swoote
And he hym self as sweete as is the roote