The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
Folio 196v
17 of 17 folios
¶ Swich folk / shal haue no power / ne no gace
To offren to my Relikes / in this place
And who so fyndeth hym / out of swich blame
He wol come vp / and offre a goddes name
And I assoille hym / by the auctoritee
Which þt by bulle / ygraunted was to me
¶ By this gaude / haue I wonne / yeer by yeer
An hundred mark sith I was Pardoner
I stonde lyk a Clerk / in my pulpet
And whan þt lewed peple / is doun yset
I perche so / as ye han herd bifore
And telle / an hundred false Iapes more
Thanne peyne I me / to strecche forth the nekke
And Est and West vp on the peple I bekke
As dooth a dowue / sittyng on a berne
Myne handes / and my tonge goon so yerne
That it is ioye / to se my bisynesse
Of Auarice / and of swich cursednesse
Is al my perchyng for to make hem free
To yeuen hir pens / and namely vn to me
For myn entente is nat but for to wynne
And no thyng for correccioū of synne
I rekke neuere / whan þt they been beryed
Thogh þt hir soules / goon a blakeberyed
For certes / many a perdicacioū
Comth ofte tyme / of yuel entencioū
¶ Som for plesance of folk and flaterye
To been auanced / by ypocrisie
And som for veyne glorie / and som for hate
For whan I dar / noon oother weyes debate
Thanne wol I stynge hym / w my tonge smerte
In perchyng so þt he shal nat asterte
To been diffamed falsly / if þt he
Hath trespased / to my bretheren / or to me
For though I telle noght his propre name
Men shal wel knowe / that it is the same
By signes / and by othere circumstances
Thus quyte I folk that \doon/ vs displesances
Thus spete I out my venym vnder hewe
Of holynesse / to seme holy and trewe