The Multitext Edition > Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS. Peniarth 392 D
The Franklin's Tale
Folio 165r
24 of 24 folios
Thow art a Squyer / and he is a knyght
But god forbede / for his blisful myght
But if a clerk koude doon a gentil dede
As wel as any of yow / it is no drede
¶ Sire I relesse thee / thy thowsand pound
As thow right now / were cropen out of the ground
Ne neuere er now / ne haddest knowen me
For sire / I wol nat take a peny of thee
For al my craft ne noght for my tauaille
Thow hast ypayed wel / for my vitaille
It is ynogh / and fare wel haue good day
And took his hors / and forth he goth his way
¶ Lordynges / this questioū / than wol I aske now
Which was the mooste free / as thynketh yow
Now telleth me / er that ye ferther wende
I kan namoore / my tale is at an ende
¶ Here endeth the Frankeleyns tale ~