The Franklin's Tale
Folio 154r
2 of 24 folios
I sleepe neuere / in the Mount of Parnaso
Ne lerned / Marcus Tullius Scithero
Colours ne knowe I none / with outen drede
But swiche colours / as growen in the mede
Or ellis swiche / as men dye / or peynte
Colours of Rethoryk they ben to queynte
My Spirit feeleth nat of swich matere
But if yow list my tale shul ye heere
IN Armorik that called is Britayne
Ther was a knyght þt louede & dide his payne
To serue a lady / in his beste wise
And many a labour / many a gret emprise
He for his lady wroghte / er she were wonne
For she was / oon the faireste vnder Sonne
And eek ther to / come of so heigh kynrede
That wel vnnethes / dorste this knyght for drede
Telle hir his wo / his peyne / and his distresse
But atte laste / she for his worthynesse
And namely / for his meke obeysance
Hath swich a pitee caught of his penance
That piuely / she fel of his acord
To taken hym / for hir housbonde & hir lord
Of swich lordshipe / as men han ouer hir wyues
And for to lede / the moore in blisse hir lyues
Of his fre wyl / he swoor hir as a knyght
That neuere in al his lyf he day ne nyght
Ne sholde vp on hym take / no maistrye
Agayn hir wyl / ne kithe hir Ialousye
But hir obeye / and folwe hir wyl in al
As any louere / to his lady shal
Saue / þt the name of soueraynetee
That wolde he haue / for shame of his degree
¶ She thonked hym / and wt ful gret hūblesse
She seyde sire / sith of youre gentilesse
Ye profre me / to haue so large a reyne
Ne wolde neuere god / bitwix vs tweyne
As in my gilt / were outher werre / or stryf
Sire I wol be / your hūble trewe wyf
Haue heer my trouthe / til that myn herte breste
Thus been they bothe / in quiete and in reste