The Multitext Edition > Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS. Peniarth 392 D
The Wife of Bath's Tale
Folio 73v
1 of 11 folios
His herte bathed / in a bath of blisse
A thousand tyme a rewe / he gan hir kisse
And she obeyed hym / in euery thyng
That myghte do hym plesance / or likyng
And thus they lyue / vn to hir lyues ende
In parfit ioye / and Ihū crist vs sende
Housbondes meke / yonge / and fressħ a bedde
And grace / touerbyde hem that we wedde
And eek / I praye Ihū shorte hir lyues
That noght wol be gouerned / by hir wyues
And olde / and angry nygardes of dispence
God sende hem soone / verray pestilence
¶ Here endeth the Wyues tale of Bathe ~