The Multitext Edition > Cambridge University Library MS. Gg.4.2.7
The Tale of Melibeus
Folio 327r
30 of 46 folios
¶ Senec seyth the wyse man
schal nat take to greet disconfort for the deth of hi-
se childeryn /
but certis he schulde sufferyn it in paci-
ence As wel as he a bydyth the deth of hise propere
persone /
¶ This Melibeus answerde a noon & seyde /
what man quod he schulde of his wepynge stynte /
that hath so greet a cause for to weepe /
Ihū cist oure
lord hȳ self wepte for the deth of lasarus his freend
¶ Prudence answerede / crertys weel I wot / Atem-
pre wepyng is no thyng defendit to hȳ that sorwe
ful is a mongis folk / in sorwe / but it is rathere
graūted hȳ to weepe
¶ The apostele paule vn to
the romaynys wrythth / Man schal reioyse with hē
that makyn Ioye / And wepyn with sweche folk as
wepyn /
but thogh attempere wepyng be grauntid /
outrageous wepynge certis is defendid /
mesure of
wepynge schulde been consideryd aftyr the loore that
techith vs Senec
¶ Whan that thyn frend is deed quod
he / let not thȳne eyen to moyste been of teerys / ne
to meche dreye / Al thow thȳne terys comyn to thȳne
eyen / lat hē nat fallyn
And whā thow hast forgoon thȳ
freend & this is moore wysdom / than for to wepȳ for
thȳ frend / which that thow hast loryn / for theere ī-
ne is no boote /
And therfore ȝif ȝe gouerne ȝow by sa-
pience putte awey sorwe out of ȝoure hertis /
beryth yow that Iħ~c Syrat seyth A man that is ioyoĆ«
& glad in herte / it hȳ conseruyth floryschynge in his
Age / & sothly sorweful herte makyt hise bonys dreye
he seyth ek thus that sorwe in herte ; sleth ful manye
A man
¶ Salomon seyth / that ryght as mot\h/is in the
schepis flesch a noyeth to the clothis / & the smale wer-
mys to the tree / rygh so anoyith sorwe to the herte .
wherefore vs oughte as weel in the deth of oure
childeryn ; as in the loos of oure goodys tēperelys
haue pacience
¶ Remembrith yow vp on the pa-
ciente Iob / whan he hadde lost hise childeryn & his
temperel sulstaūce / & in his body endurynge & res-
ceyuyd ful manye a greuoƫ trybulacioun / y\e/t seyde
he thus