men in certeyn cas / As for to goon perauenture nakid
in pilgrȳage or barefot .
¶ Pryue penaūce is thil-
ke that men doon alday for certeyn sȳnys that been
piue / of whiche we schryue vs pryuely / & receyue pi-
ue penaūce /
¶ Now schalt thow vndyrstonde what
is behofly & necessarie to verray parfit penytence & this
stāt on thre thȳgis .
Contrycioū of herte / Confessioū
of mouthe / & Satisfaccioū /
For whiche seyth seynt
Iohñ Crisostourë Penytence constrynyth a man to
accepte benȳgnely euery peyne that is enioyned hȳ .
w contricioū of herte & schrifte of mouthe . with satis-
faccioū . And in werkȳge of alle manere humylite /
And this is freutful penytence a geyn .iij. thyngis . ī
wheche we wrethe oure lord Ihū cryst /
this is to seȳ-
ne / by delyt in thȳkynge / by recheles nesse in spekȳge
And be wikkede sȳful werkȳge /
And a geyn these we-
kede giltis is penytence that may be likkenyd vntil
a tree
¶ The rote of this tre is contricioū / that hȳ-
dith hȳ in the herte that is verray repentaūt / righ
as the rote of a tree ; hydyth hȳ in the erthe .
¶ Of the
rote of contricioū sprȳgith a stalke that berith braū-
chis & leuys of Confessioū & freut of satisfaccioū~
¶ for
whiche Crist seyth in his gospel / Doth digne freut of
penytence / for by this freut may men knowe this
tree / & not by the rote that is hid in the herte of mā-
ne bi the braūchis ne by the leuys of Confessioū .
And therfore oure lord Ihū Crist seyth thus by the
freut of hē ; schul ȝe knowȳ hem .
¶ Of this roote
ek sprȳgith a seed of grace the whiche seed ; is modir
of sekyrnesse / & this seed is egre & hoot /
the grace of
this seed sprȳgith of god thorw remembraūce of the
day of doome / & on the peynys of helle
¶ Of this
mateere seyth Salomon that in drede of god / man for-
letyth his sȳne /
the heete of this seed is the loue of
god / & desyrȳge of the Ioye pardurable /
this heete dra-
with the herte of man to god / & doth hȳ hate his sȳ
ne /
For sothly there is no thyng that saurith so weel
to a child as the mylk of his noryce / ne no thyng is
to hyre \selvyn/ more abhomynabele /